Providing Prevention and Treatment for young people in Lesotho project

Supported by The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, PROTECT is a two years and nine months (2021 July- 2024 March). The project’s main goal is to is to focus efforts on an AIDS-free population of Adolescent Girls And Young Women (AGYW) by providing a package of integrated services to the AGYW and their male partners. The project is implemented in six districts in Lesotho – Mokhotlong, Butha-Buthe, Leribe, Thaba-Tseka, Quthing and Qacha’s Nek. Project Overarching goal.
The project provides community-based comprehensive Sexual Reproductive Health Services (SRH) including HIV testing services and ART initiation, TB and COVID-19 screening and referrals, Family Planning Services, cervical cancer screening and STI management. These services are provided via mobile clinics at communities, schools, local clubs and churches. Project personnel collaborate with partner organizations who create demand for services amongst young people and follow-up on those found to be HIV-infected to ensure that they are adequately linked to facility-based services.