Protecting women, infants and children from HIV in Lesotho

PINCH is a three-year (2021 July -2024 March) project supported by The Global Fund operating in Mokhotlong, Butha-Buthe, Thaba-Tseka, Quthing and Qacha’s Nek districts. Its main goal is to support the national strategy to eliminate Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV (Emtct), reducing the rate from 8.73% to less than 5%. The basic ongoing activities of the project involve mentorship and supervision to change the behaviour of healthcare workers, community health workers, and community members (i.e. patients). Community efforts focus on young women, their partners, and mothers. Facility efforts centre on MNCH clinics and include maternity wards and children’s wards at hospital. Didactic trainings focus on known and evolving gaps in care and are directed by routine data collection and analysis.