Comprehensive High Impact Community-Based HIV Prevention, Testing and Treatment Initiation for Sustained Epidemic Control in Lesotho PEPFAR

Comprehensive High Impact Community-Based HIV Prevention, Testing and Treatment Initiation for Sustained Epidemic Control in Lesotho PEPFAR (CoHIP SEC) Project is a five-year project (2022 September – 2027 September) funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Project operates in 4 districts; Berea, Leribe, Quthing and Qacha’s Nek. The project objective is integrated programming of DREAMS Core Package Of Interventions for Adolescent Girls, Young Women (AGYW) and their sexual partners.
The project scope of work is:
- HIV Risk Assessment and HIV Prevention Messaging;
- Enrollment of AGYW into DREAMS;
- Routine/Rapid HTS & HIV Self-Testing;
- ART initiation and PREP initiation;
- Provision of Contraceptive Method Mix (FP);
- Condom Promotion and Provision;
- STI Screening and Treatment and Linkage;
- GBV Screening, Referral and Linkage for Post-GBV Care.